LIMIX eQTL analysis

In [2]:
from datetime import date
from pycltools.pycltools import jprint

jprint('Adrien Leger / EMBL EBI', bold=True, size=150)
jprint('Starting date : 2021_02_17', bold=True, italic=True, size=125)
jprint('Last modification date : {}_{:02}_{:02}'.format(,,, bold=True, italic=True, size=125)

Adrien Leger / EMBL EBI

Starting date : 2021_02_17

Last modification date : 2021_02_19


In [1]:
# Standard lib imports
import os
from os import listdir as ls
from datetime import date
from collections import *
from glob import glob, iglob
from shutil import rmtree
import itertools
from pprint import pprint as pp
import string

# Generic third party imports
from pycltools.pycltools import *
import pysam
import pyfaidx

# Ploting lib imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
%matplotlib inline

# Data wrangling lib imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import xarray as xr
#import xarray_extras as xre

# xr.set_options(display_style="html", display_width=500)
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 200
pd.options.display.max_columns = 20
pd.options.display.max_rows = 200

# Limix
import limix
import pandas_plink

Load and cleanup transcriptome data

In [8]:
outdir = "tx_expression"
rmtree(outdir, ignore_errors=True)
Creating /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/medaka_RNA_illumina/Indigene_pilot/eQTL_analysis/tx_expression

Define functions

In [12]:
import scipy.stats as stats

def samples_select (df, samples_id_dict):
    Change ids to line ids and select only liver samples
    col_dict = {}
    for sample_id, col_val in df.iteritems():
        sample_id = sample_id.rstrip("_counts")
        if sample_id in samples_id_dict:
            line_id = samples_id_dict[sample_id]
            col_dict[line_id] = col_val

    # Cast to df and sort columns alphabetically
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(col_dict)
    df = df[df.columns.sort_values()]"transcripts"
    return df

def filter_low_expression (counts_df, tpm_df, sample_frac_threshold=0.2, count_threshold=6, tpm_threshold=1):
    Genes are thresholded based on the following expression rules:
      TPM >= tpm_threshold in >= sample_frac_threshold*samples
      read counts >= count_threshold in sample_frac_threshold*samples
    n_samples = int(len(tpm_df.columns)*sample_frac_threshold)
    # Expression thresholds
    mask = ((np.sum(tpm_df>=tpm_threshold,axis=1)>=n_samples) & (np.sum(counts_df>=count_threshold,axis=1)>=n_samples)).values
    return tpm_df[mask]

Load and prefilter

In [68]:
print("Load data")
samples_id_df = pd.read_csv("../RNA_pipeline2/all_sample_sheet.tsv", index_col=0, sep="\t")
samples_id_df = samples_id_df[(samples_id_df.protocol=="high")&((samples_id_df.organ=="liver"))]
samples_id_dict = samples_id_df["line"]

tpm_df = pd.read_csv("../RNA_pipeline2/results/counts/salmon_count_merge/tpm.tsv", index_col=0, sep="\t").fillna(0)
counts_df = pd.read_csv("../RNA_pipeline2/results/counts/salmon_count_merge/counts.tsv", index_col=0, sep="\t").fillna(0)
print(f"\tInitial Number of Samples:{len(tpm_df.columns)}")
print(f"\tInitial Number of Transcripts:{len(tpm_df.index)}")

print("Switch ids to line ids and select samples")
tpm_df = samples_select(tpm_df, samples_id_dict)
counts_df = samples_select(counts_df, samples_id_dict)
print(f"\tSamples remaining after sample selection:{len(tpm_df.columns)}")

print("Filter low expression transcripts")
tpm_df = filter_low_expression (counts_df, tpm_df, sample_frac_threshold=0.5, count_threshold=5, tpm_threshold=1)
print(f"\tTranscripts remaining after expression filtering: {len(tpm_df)}")
Load data
	Initial Number of Samples:145
	Initial Number of Transcripts:36777
Switch ids to line ids and select samples
	Samples remaining after sample selection:50
Filter low expression transcripts
	Transcripts remaining after expression filtering: 13413


In [91]:
tpm_df2 = tpm_df.copy()
tpm_df2.clip(1, inplace=True)
tpm_df2.fillna(1, inplace=True)

# Define color per organ
c = Counter()
for col in tpm_df2.columns:

sib_lines = [i for i,j in c.items() if j>1]
pal = sns.mpl_palette("Set1", len(sib_lines))
color_dict={i:j for i,j in zip(sib_lines, pal)}
color_map = [color_dict.get(line.split("_")[0], "grey") for line in tpm_df2.columns]

print("Apply log 2 transformation")
log_tpm_df = np.log2(tpm_df2.fillna(1))
    g = sns.clustermap(log_tpm_df, figsize=(30, 10), row_cluster=True, cmap="magma_r", yticklabels=False, dendrogram_ratio=0.2, robust=True, col_colors=color_map, cbar_pos=(1.01,0.2,0.02,0.5))
    g.ax_heatmap.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20)
    g.ax_cbar.set_ylabel("Log2 (TPM)", fontsize=20, labelpad=10)
    g.ax_cbar.tick_params(axis='y', left=True, right=False, labelleft=True, labelright=False, labelsize=15)
    g.fig.suptitle("Clustered heatmap of normalised transcript expression", fontsize=25, y=1.05, x=0.6)
    g.fig.savefig("tx_expression/heatmap.png", bbox_inches='tight')
Apply log 2 transformation

Transformation for eQTL analysis

In [19]:
print("Add transcript information")
tx_info_df = pd.read_csv("../RNA_pipeline2/results/input/transcriptome/transcriptome.tsv",sep="\t", index_col=0, low_memory=False)
tx_info_df = tx_info_df[["chrom_id","start","end"]]
tpm_info_df = pd.merge(tpm_df, tx_info_df, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left")
tpm_info_df = tpm_info_df.sort_values(["chrom_id","start","end"])
tpm_info_df = tpm_info_df.set_index(["chrom_id","start","end", tpm_info_df.index])

print("Save filtered TPM")
tpm_info_df.to_csv("tx_expression/filtered_tpm.tsv", sep="\t")

print("Apply quantile normalization")
tpm_info_df = limix.qc.quantile_gaussianize(tpm_info_df, axis=0)

print("Save normalised TPM")
tpm_info_df.to_csv("tx_expression/filtered_norm_tpm.tsv", sep="\t")
Add transcript information
Save filtered TPM
104_1 106_1 106_2 10_1 117_2 11_1 11_2 125_1 129_1 132_4_1 ... 69_1 71_1 72_2 79_2 80_1 84_2 8_2 91_1 94_1 95_1
chrom_id start end transcripts
1 89782 91495 ENSORLT00000038242.1 132.398744 147.278974 131.147592 136.561629 169.749287 130.926732 157.198133 146.350480 99.049843 187.219082 ... 216.666476 150.089135 158.648856 200.852472 90.601927 90.799860 401.441801 538.272808 238.901865 215.456273
92003 119620 ENSORLT00000024712.2 2.851773 2.068150 2.905608 2.485323 3.389430 2.856913 4.457706 4.539562 3.923271 6.370960 ... 8.704263 3.262110 4.197748 4.310642 1.477848 5.733650 2.524696 4.928403 1.995302 3.641426
92256 119620 ENSORLT00000028495.1 12.713114 9.962724 9.109646 11.261207 9.842299 12.790680 12.319639 13.758069 9.896707 21.283193 ... 24.651957 16.870579 13.309991 13.064007 7.099399 23.960132 10.194435 19.447647 10.319950 14.338692
103603 105216 ENSORLT00000046555.1 1.669206 1.415191 2.351947 1.128440 5.744599 11.602346 1.187426 0.755808 7.442255 6.913771 ... 12.660029 1.446606 0.740902 1.526337 1.427790 1.164756 1.117233 27.085325 3.436331 1.266283
149638 154759 ENSORLT00000046412.1 7.072590 5.485392 6.777299 6.015674 6.997350 9.465706 9.482291 12.086758 7.756801 9.597334 ... 15.068356 6.778361 13.311218 4.803048 4.571823 9.866549 8.695803 9.339938 2.461983 6.644512

5 rows × 50 columns

Apply quantile normalization
Save normalised TPM
104_1 106_1 106_2 10_1 117_2 11_1 11_2 125_1 129_1 132_4_1 ... 69_1 71_1 72_2 79_2 80_1 84_2 8_2 91_1 94_1 95_1
chrom_id start end transcripts
1 89782 91495 ENSORLT00000038242.1 -1.092736 -0.786845 -1.186831 -1.007436 -0.273702 -1.292805 -0.541395 -0.855712 -1.415702 -0.073791 ... 0.273702 -0.721522 -0.485318 0.123185 -2.061917 -1.759861 1.292805 2.061917 0.485318 0.223008
92003 119620 ENSORLT00000024712.2 -0.721522 -1.092736 -0.599230 -0.928899 -0.377392 -0.659143 0.172881 0.223008 -0.073791 0.928899 ... 1.564726 -0.430727 0.024577 0.073791 -1.415702 0.659143 -0.855712 0.377392 -1.186831 -0.273702
92256 119620 ENSORLT00000028495.1 -0.223008 -1.092736 -1.415702 -0.541395 -1.292805 -0.172881 -0.273702 -0.024577 -1.186831 0.928899 ... 1.564726 0.377392 -0.073791 -0.123185 -2.061917 1.415702 -1.007436 0.721522 -0.928899 0.073791
103603 105216 ENSORLT00000046555.1 -0.123185 -0.430727 0.223008 -0.928899 0.786845 1.415702 -0.599230 -1.292805 1.007436 0.928899 ... 1.759861 -0.273702 -1.415702 -0.223008 -0.325110 -0.659143 -1.007436 2.061917 0.541395 -0.541395
149638 154759 ENSORLT00000046412.1 -0.377392 -1.186831 -0.721522 -1.092736 -0.430727 0.541395 0.599230 1.007436 -0.073791 0.659143 ... 1.759861 -0.659143 1.564726 -1.415702 -1.759861 0.721522 0.223008 0.485318 -2.061917 -0.786845

5 rows × 50 columns

Plot TPM values distribution

In [21]:
n_genes = 10

df =pd.read_csv("tx_expression/filtered_tpm.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=[0,1,2,3])
df = df.head(n_genes).T.melt()
    fig, ax = pl.subplots(figsize=(20,n_genes))
    ax.set_title("Filtered transcripts TPM")
    sns.swarmplot(y="transcripts", x="value", data=df, ax=ax)
df =pd.read_csv("tx_expression/filtered_norm_tpm.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=[0,1,2,3])
df = df.head(n_genes).T.melt()
    fig, ax = pl.subplots(figsize=(20,n_genes))
    ax.set_title("Filtered and quantile normalized transcripts TPM")
    sns.swarmplot(y="transcripts", x="value", data=df, ax=ax)
In [22]:
src_vcf = "/nfs/research1/birney/projects/indigene/datafreeze/14-03-2019/vcf/medaka_inbred_panel_ensembl_new_reference_release_94.vcf.gz"
head(src_vcf, ignore_comment_line=True, comment_char="##")
#CHROM POS  ID REF             ALT             QUAL    FILTER INFO                                               FORMAT                 22013_2#1             22013_2#2             22013_2#3           ...
1      4156 .  G               T               54.74   .      AC=2;AF=0.143;AN=14;DP=19;ExcessHet=0.1703;FS=0.00 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL         ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0   ...
1      4599 .  T               TCTTCTTCTCA     1094.74 .      AC=10;AF=0.625;AN=16;DP=26;ExcessHet=0.0152;FS=0.0 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL         ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0   ...
1      4653 .  A               G               798.22  .      AC=10;AF=1.00;AN=10;DP=24;ExcessHet=3.0103;FS=0.00 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL         ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0   ...
1      5039 .  T               G               62.79   .      AC=2;AF=1.00;AN=2;DP=13;ExcessHet=3.0103;FS=0.000; GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL         ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0   ...
1      5123 .  A               G               130.33  .      AC=4;AF=0.500;AN=8;DP=26;ExcessHet=0.1902;FS=0.000 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PGT:PID:PL ./.:0,0:0:.:.:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:.:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:.:.:0,0,...
1      5613 .  C               A               19.11   .      AC=2;AF=0.500;AN=4;DP=11;ExcessHet=0.7918;FS=0.000 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL         ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0   ...
1      7582 .  G               C               65.98   .      AC=2;AF=0.500;AN=4;DP=3;ExcessHet=0.7918;FS=0.000; GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL         ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0   ...
1      7963 .  G               GAGTCCTGCTTTACC 519.18  .      AC=10;AF=0.143;AN=70;DP=79;ExcessHet=0.0000;FS=0.0 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL         ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0     ./.:1,0:1:.:0,0,0     ./.:0,0:0:.:0,0,0   ...
1      8069 .  TTACCAATACCAAAA T               436.13  .      AC=6;AF=0.200;AN=30;DP=47;ExcessHet=0.0017;FS=0.00 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PGT:PID:PL ./.:0,0:0:.:.:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:.:.:0,0,0 ./.:0,0:0:.:.:.:0,0,...


In [106]:
src_vcf = "/nfs/research1/birney/projects/indigene/datafreeze/14-03-2019/vcf/medaka_inbred_panel_ensembl_new_reference_release_94.vcf.gz"
raw_outdir = "plink_raw"
rmtree(raw_outdir, ignore_errors=True)

mem = 10000
threads = 20
queue = "research-rh74"

jobid = bsub (
    cmd = f"plink --vcf {src_vcf} --make-bed --snps-only --chr-set 24 no-xy --out {raw_outdir}/medaka --memory {mem} --threads {threads}",
    conda="plink", threads=threads, mem=mem, queue=queue, dry=dry, stderr_fp=stderr_fp, stdout_fp=stdout_fp)
Creating /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/medaka_RNA_illumina/Indigene_pilot/eQTL_analysis/plink_raw
bsub -M 10000 -R 'rusage[mem=10000]' -n 20 -q research-rh74 -oo plink_raw/bsub_stdout.txt -eo plink_raw/bsub_stderr.txt  "plink --vcf /nfs/research1/birney/projects/indigene/datafreeze/14-03-2019/vcf/medaka_inbred_panel_ensembl_new_reference_release_94.vcf.gz --make-bed --snps-only --chr-set 24 no-xy --out plink_raw/medaka --memory 10000 --threads 20"
Job <949307> is submitted to queue <research-rh74>.
In [108]:
fixed_outdir = "plink_metadata_fixed"
rmtree(fixed_outdir, ignore_errors=True)

print("Redefine sex, FAM ID and IID in FAM file")
df = pd.read_csv(f"{raw_outdir}/medaka.fam", sep=" ", names=["FID", "IID", "F_IID", "M_IID", "Sex", "Phenotype"])
sample_id_df = pd.read_csv("internal_id.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0)

for i, line in df.iterrows():
    internal_id = f"{line.FID}_{line.IID}"
    sample_id = sample_id_df.loc[internal_id]
    df.loc[i, "FID"] = sample_id["FID"]
    df.loc[i, "IID"] = sample_id["IID"]
    df.loc[i, "Sex"] = 1
df.to_csv(f"{fixed_outdir}/medaka.fam", sep=" ", header=False, index=False)

print("Redefine snp_id in BIM file")
df = pd.read_csv(f"{raw_outdir}/medaka.bim", sep="\t", names=["CHR", "VID", "POS_M", "POS_B", "AL1", "AL2"])
df["VID"] = [f"rs_{i}" for i in range(len(df))]
df.to_csv(f"{fixed_outdir}/medaka.bim", sep="\t", header=False, index=False)

print("Copy bed file")
shutil.copy2(f"{raw_outdir}/medaka.bed", fixed_outdir)
Creating /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/medaka_RNA_illumina/Indigene_pilot/eQTL_analysis/plink_metadata_fixed
Redefine sex, FAM ID and IID in FAM file
FID IID F_IID M_IID Sex Phenotype
0 MIKK 25_1 0 0 1 -9
1 MIKK 30_1 0 0 1 -9
2 MIKK 11_2 0 0 1 -9
3 MIKK 13_2 0 0 1 -9
4 MIKK 14_1 0 0 1 -9
Redefine snp_id in BIM file
0 1 rs_0 0 4156 T G
1 1 rs_1 0 4653 A G
2 1 rs_2 0 5039 T G
3 1 rs_3 0 5123 G A
4 1 rs_4 0 5613 A C
Copy bed file

Remove-non panel samples

In [109]:
panel_outdir = "plink_panel_only"
rmtree(panel_outdir, ignore_errors=True)
Creating /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/medaka_RNA_illumina/Indigene_pilot/eQTL_analysis/plink_panel_only
In [110]:
print ("Load data")
df = pd.read_csv("/nfs/research1/birney/projects/indigene/raw_data/sanger_pipeline/G2035/G2035_metadata_03-14-19.txt", sep="\t")
tpm_line_ids = list(pd.read_csv("./tx_expression/filtered_tpm.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0).columns)

internal_id_dict = {}
line_id_counter = Counter()

print("Get correspondance between internal ids and line ids")
for idx, line in df.iterrows():
    line_id = line["supplier_name"].replace(" ", "_").replace("--", "_").replace("-", "_")
    fam_id = line_id.split("_")[0]
    if fam_id.isdigit():
    if line_id_counter[line_id]>1:
        sample_rep = string.ascii_uppercase[line_id_counter[line_id]-1]
        line_id = f"{line_id}.{sample_rep}"
    rna_seq = line_id in tpm_line_ids
    internal_id = line["cram_file_names"].split(".")[0]
    internal_id_dict[internal_id] = (fam_id, line_id, rna_seq)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(internal_id_dict, orient="index", columns=["FID", "IID", "RNAseq"])
df = df.sort_values(["FID", "IID"])

df.to_csv(f"{panel_outdir}/internal_id.tsv", sep="\t")
Load data
Get correspondance between internal ids and line ids
22024_4#1 Ho5 Ho5_1 False
22024_4#2 Ho5 Ho5_2 False
24300_8#2 KW KW_1 False
24300_8#3 KW KW_2 False
24300_8#4 KW KW_3 False
24300_8#5 KW KW_4 False
24271_7#1 KW KW_5 False
24271_7#2 KW KW_6 False
24271_7#3 KW KW_7 False
22218_1#3 MIKK 104_1 True
22218_1#4 MIKK 106_1 True
22218_1#5 MIKK 106_2 True
22218_5#1 MIKK 107_2 False
22218_4#5 MIKK 10_1 True
22218_6#1 MIKK 110_2 False
22013_6#4 MIKK 117_1 False
22218_6#2 MIKK 117_2 True
22218_4#1 MIKK 11_1 True
22013_2#3 MIKK 11_2 True
24259_1#3 MIKK 121_2 False
22218_6#3 MIKK 123_2 False
24259_1#4 MIKK 125_1 True
22218_6#4 MIKK 127_2 False
22013_6#5 MIKK 129_1 True
22218_6#5 MIKK 131_1 False
22218_2#3 MIKK 131_2 False
22218_2#4 MIKK 131_4 False
24259_1#5 MIKK 132_4_1 True
22218_7#4 MIKK 132_5 True
22218_2#5 MIKK 133_2 True
22218_7#5 MIKK 134_1 True
22218_7#1 MIKK 134_2 False
22218_7#2 MIKK 134_3 False
22218_7#3 MIKK 135_1 False
24259_2#1 MIKK 135_2 True
22218_8#2 MIKK 136_2 False
22218_8#3 MIKK 137_4 True
24259_2#2 MIKK 138_1 False
22218_8#4 MIKK 138_3 False
22218_8#5 MIKK 139_4 True
22013_2#4 MIKK 13_2 True
22218_8#6 MIKK 140_1 True
22218_8#1 MIKK 140_3 True
22218_2#1 MIKK 141_3 True
24259_2#3 MIKK 141_3.B False
24259_2#4 MIKK 141_4 False
22013_2#5 MIKK 14_1 True
22024_1#1 MIKK 14_2 False
22218_4#2 MIKK 15_1 True
22218_4#3 MIKK 15_2 False
22024_1#2 MIKK 17_1 True
22024_1#3 MIKK 18_2 False
22218_4#4 MIKK 20_1 True
22024_1#4 MIKK 21_2 True
22024_1#5 MIKK 22_1 False
22013_3#1 MIKK 23_1 True
22013_3#2 MIKK 23_2 False
22013_2#1 MIKK 25_1 False
24271_7#4 MIKK 29_1 False
22013_2#2 MIKK 30_1 True
22013_3#3 MIKK 31_2 False
22013_3#4 MIKK 32_2 True
24271_7#5 MIKK 32_2.B False
22013_3#5 MIKK 33_1 False
24271_8#1 MIKK 34_2 False
22024_2#1 MIKK 38_2 False
22024_2#2 MIKK 39_1 True
22024_2#3 MIKK 39_2 False
22024_2#4 MIKK 40_1 True
22024_2#5 MIKK 40_2 True
22013_4#1 MIKK 42_1 False
22013_4#2 MIKK 43_2 False
22013_4#3 MIKK 47_1 False
22218_5#2 MIKK 49_1 True
22013_4#4 MIKK 49_2 False
22218_2#2 MIKK 4_1 True
22218_3#1 MIKK 4_2 True
22013_4#5 MIKK 50_2 True
22013_5#1 MIKK 51_2 False
22013_5#2 MIKK 53_2 False
22013_5#3 MIKK 55_2 True
22013_5#4 MIKK 56_1 False
22013_5#5 MIKK 58_2 False
22024_3#1 MIKK 59_1 True
22024_3#2 MIKK 59_2 True
22218_3#2 MIKK 5_1 False
24271_8#2 MIKK 60_1 False
22024_3#3 MIKK 61_1 True
22024_3#4 MIKK 62_2 True
22218_1#1 MIKK 66_1 False
24271_8#3 MIKK 68_1 False
22218_5#3 MIKK 69_1 True
22024_3#5 MIKK 69_2 False
22013_7#1 MIKK 70_2 False
22013_7#2 MIKK 71_1 True
24271_8#4 MIKK 71_1.B False
22013_7#3 MIKK 72_1 False
22013_7#4 MIKK 72_2 True
22013_7#5 MIKK 75_1 False
22218_5#4 MIKK 79_2 True
22218_3#3 MIKK 7_1 False
22218_3#4 MIKK 7_2 False
22218_5#5 MIKK 80_1 True
24271_8#5 MIKK 80_2 False
22013_6#1 MIKK 84_2 True
24259_1#1 MIKK 84_2.B False
24259_1#2 MIKK 89_1 False
22218_3#5 MIKK 8_2 True
22218_1#2 MIKK 91_1 True
22013_6#2 MIKK 94_1 True
22013_6#3 MIKK 95_1 True
22024_4#4 iCab iCab_2F2 False
22024_4#3 iCab iCab_F24 False
24300_8#1 iCab iCab_F25 False
22024_4#5 iCab iCab_HD False
In [111]:
# Extract IDs corresponding to pannel members with data in the transcriptome dataset 
sample_id_df = pd.read_csv(f"{panel_outdir}/internal_id.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0)
sample_id_df = sample_id_df[sample_id_df["RNAseq"]==True]
id_file = f"{panel_outdir}/fam_id.txt"
with open (id_file, "w") as fp:
    for i, line in sample_id_df.iterrows():
print("Select MIKK panel samples only")
mem = 10000
threads = 20
queue = "research-rh74"

jobid = bsub (
    cmd = f"plink --keep {id_file} --make-bed --chr-set 24 no-xy --bfile {fixed_outdir}/medaka --out {panel_outdir}/medaka --memory {mem} --threads {threads}",
    conda="plink", threads=threads, mem=mem, queue=queue, dry=dry, stderr_fp=stderr_fp, stdout_fp=stdout_fp)
Select MIKK panel samples only
bsub -M 10000 -R 'rusage[mem=10000]' -n 20 -q research-rh74 -oo plink_panel_only/bsub_stdout.txt -eo plink_panel_only/bsub_stderr.txt  "plink --keep plink_panel_only/fam_id.txt --make-bed --chr-set 24 no-xy --bfile plink_metadata_fixed/medaka --out plink_panel_only/medaka --memory 10000 --threads 20"
Job <1058693> is submitted to queue <research-rh74>.


In [9]:
panel_outdir = "plink_panel_only"
pruned_outdir = "plink_pruned"
rmtree(pruned_outdir, ignore_errors=True)

print("Variant filtering and LD pruning")
mem = 10000
threads = 25
queue = "research-rh74"


jobid1 = bsub (
    cmd=f"plink --geno 0 --maf 0.001 --indep 50 5 5 --chr-set 24 no-xy --bfile {panel_outdir}/medaka --out {pruned_outdir}/medaka --memory {mem} --threads {threads}",
    conda="plink", threads=threads, mem=mem, queue=queue, dry=dry, stderr_fp=stderr_fp, stdout_fp=stdout_fp)


jobid2 = bsub (
    cmd=f"plink --extract {pruned_outdir}/ --chr-set 24 no-xy --make-bed --bfile {panel_outdir}/medaka --out {pruned_outdir}/medaka --memory {mem} --threads {threads}",
    conda="plink", threads=threads, mem=mem, queue=queue, dry=dry, stderr_fp=stderr_fp, stdout_fp=stdout_fp, wait_jobid=jobid1)
Creating /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/medaka_RNA_illumina/Indigene_pilot/eQTL_analysis/plink_pruned
Variant filtering and LD pruning
bsub -M 10000 -R 'rusage[mem=10000]' -n 25 -q research-rh74 -oo plink_pruned/bsub_stdout_prune.txt -eo plink_pruned/bsub_stderr_prune.txt  "plink --geno 0 --maf 0.001 --indep 50 5 5 --chr-set 24 no-xy --bfile plink_panel_only/medaka --out plink_pruned/medaka --memory 10000 --threads 25"
Job <2194396> is submitted to queue <research-rh74>.
bsub -M 10000 -R 'rusage[mem=10000]' -n 25 -q research-rh74 -oo plink_pruned/bsub_stdout_extract.txt -eo plink_pruned/bsub_stderr_extract.txt -w 'post_done(2194396)'  "plink --extract plink_pruned/ --chr-set 24 no-xy --make-bed --bfile plink_panel_only/medaka --out plink_pruned/medaka --memory 10000 --threads 25"
Job <2194400> is submitted to queue <research-rh74>.
In [10]:
All jobs done

Result of pruning

In [13]:
pruned_outdir = "plink_pruned"
l = []
with open (f"{pruned_outdir}/bsub_stdout_prune.txt") as fp:
    for line in fp:
        if line.startswith("Pruned"):
            ls = supersplit(line, [" ", ",", "."])
            init_var = int(ls[1])
            retained_var = int(ls[8])
            discarded_var = init_var-retained_var
            l.append((chrom, discarded_var, retained_var))

df = pd.DataFrame(l, columns=["Chromosomes", "Discarded Variants", "Retained Variants"])
df = df.set_index("Chromosomes")

    fig, ax = pl.subplots(figsize=(20,7)), ax=ax, rot=45)
    _ = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2, facecolor="white", frameon=False)

df.loc["all"] = df.sum()
df["% retained"] = (df["Retained Variants"]/(df["Retained Variants"]+df["Discarded Variants"])*100).round(2)
Chromosomes chr1 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chr10 ... chr17 chr18 chr19 chr20 chr21 chr22 chr23 chr24 chr28 all
Discarded Variants 170427.00 147690.00 151347.00 133107.00 147817.00 135986.00 156386.00 130355.00 149377.00 155806.00 ... 152851.00 180856.00 110109.00 118605.00 154551.00 124336.00 90119.00 97291.00 146.00 3263490.0
Retained Variants 150988.00 165990.00 134344.00 112762.00 115549.00 114533.00 116858.00 97568.00 125364.00 107652.00 ... 122495.00 145935.00 93288.00 94625.00 117915.00 95979.00 89572.00 85112.00 58.00 2747037.0
% retained 46.98 52.92 47.02 45.86 43.87 45.72 42.77 42.81 45.63 40.86 ... 44.49 44.66 45.86 44.38 43.28 43.56 49.85 46.66 28.43 45.7

3 rows × 26 columns

LIMIX eQTL analysis

In [42]:
outdir = "limix"
rmtree(outdir, ignore_errors=True)
Creating /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/analyses/medaka_RNA_illumina/Indigene_pilot/eQTL_analysis/limix

Load in limix

In [2]:
genotypes = pandas_plink.read_plink1_bin (

genotypes = genotypes.sortby("sample")
print (f"Variants imported {len(genotypes.variant)}")
Mapping files: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:14<00:00,  4.96s/it]
Variants imported 2747037
/nfs/software/birney/adrien/miniconda3/envs/eQTL/lib/python3.6/site-packages/xarray/core/ PerformanceWarning: Slicing is producing a large chunk. To accept the large
chunk and silence this warning, set the option
    >>> with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': False}):
    ...     array[indexer]

To avoid creating the large chunks, set the option
    >>> with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': True}):
    ...     array[indexer]
  return self.array[key]
<xarray.DataArray 'genotype' (sample: 50, variant: 2747037)>
dask.array<getitem, shape=(50, 2747037), dtype=float64, chunksize=(50, 1024), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
  * sample   (sample) object '104_1' '106_1' '106_2' ... '91_1' '94_1' '95_1'
  * variant  (variant) object '1_rs_61' '1_rs_63' ... '28_rs_23770825'
    fid      (sample) <U4 'MIKK' 'MIKK' 'MIKK' 'MIKK' ... 'MIKK' 'MIKK' 'MIKK'
    iid      (sample) <U7 '104_1' '106_1' '106_2' ... '91_1' '94_1' '95_1'
    father   (sample) <U1 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ... '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0'
    mother   (sample) <U1 '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' ... '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0'
    gender   (sample) <U1 '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' ... '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' '1'
    trait    (sample) float64 -9.0 -9.0 -9.0 -9.0 -9.0 ... -9.0 -9.0 -9.0 -9.0
    chrom    (variant) <U2 '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' '1' ... '28' '28' '28' '28' '28'
    snp      (variant) <U11 'rs_61' 'rs_63' ... 'rs_23770804' 'rs_23770825'
    cm       (variant) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
    pos      (variant) int64 15591 15600 15630 15635 ... 14581 15450 15451 16457
    a0       (variant) <U1 'G' 'A' 'A' 'A' 'T' 'A' ... 'C' 'G' 'C' 'C' 'G' 'A'
    a1       (variant) <U1 'C' 'T' 'G' 'C' 'A' 'T' ... 'T' 'T' 'T' 'T' 'A' 'G'

Compute kinship matrix

In [3]:
kinship = limix.stats.linear_kinship(genotypes, verbose=True)
kinship = pd.DataFrame(kinship, index=genotypes.sample.variable, columns=genotypes.sample.variable)
kinship.to_csv("./limix/kinship.tsv", sep="\t")
Kinship: 100%|██████████| 2683/2683 [08:04<00:00,  5.54it/s]
In [93]:
k = pd.read_csv("./limix/kinship.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0)
cmin, cmax = np.percentile(k.values, [2,98])
k = k.clip(cmin, cmax)
k = (k-cmin)/(cmax-cmin)

line_count = Counter()
for line in k.index:
    line = line.rpartition("_")[0]
sib_lines = [i for i,j in line_count.items() if j>=2]
pal = sns.color_palette("Set1", n_colors=len(sib_lines))
col_dict = {i:j for i, j in zip(sib_lines, pal)}
col_cat = []

for line in k.index:
    line = line.rpartition("_")[0]
    col_cat.append(col_dict.get(line, "grey"))

    g = sns.clustermap(k, cmap="magma_r", figsize=(20,20), row_colors=col_cat, col_colors=col_cat, dendrogram_ratio=0.15, robust=True, cbar_pos=(1.03,0.2,0.03,0.5))
    g.ax_cbar.set_ylabel("genetic relatedness", fontsize=20, labelpad=10)
    g.ax_cbar.tick_params(axis='y', left=True, right=False, labelleft=True, labelright=False, labelsize=15)
    g.fig.suptitle("Kinship matrix heatmap", fontsize=25, y=1.05, x=0.6)
    g.fig.savefig("limix/kinship_heatmap.png", bbox_inches='tight')

Run QTL analysis

In [4]:
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
import csv
import warnings

stdout_print("Import data\n")
K = pd.read_csv("./limix/kinship.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0)
Y = pd.read_csv(f"tx_expression/filtered_norm_tpm.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=[0,1,2,3])
G = pandas_plink.read_plink1_bin (bed=f"plink_pruned/medaka.bed", bim=f"plink_pruned/medaka.bim", fam=f"plink_pruned/medaka.fam", verbose=False)
G = G.sortby("sample")

stdout_print("Run eQTL analysis\n")
extend = 500000
min_pval = np.nextafter(np.float64(0), np.float64(1))
max_pval = 1.0

with open("./limix/eQTL_pval_500k.tsv", "w") as fp:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(fp, fieldnames=["chrom","transcript_id", "pos", "snp_id","pval"], delimiter='\t')

    for (chrom, start, end, tx), y in tqdm(Y.iterrows(), total=len(Y), ncols=200, mininterval=10):
        if chrom == "MT":
            g = G.where(((G.chrom == chrom) & (G.pos>=start-extend) & (G.pos<=end+extend)), drop=True)
            qtl = limix.qtl.scan(G=g, Y=y, K=K, verbose=False)
            # Get pValue and correct invalid value
            pval_list = qtl.stats.pv20.values
            pval_list = np.nan_to_num(pval_list, nan=1.0)
            pval_list = np.clip(pval_list, min_pval, max_pval)
            for pos, snp_id, pval in zip(g.pos.values, g.snp.values, pval_list):
        except Exception as E:
            print (f"Exception for transcript {tx} ({chrom}:{start}-{end})")
            print (E)
Import data
Run eQTL analysis
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 13413/13413 [6:46:03<00:00,  1.82s/it]

Multiple test adjustment

In [5]:
# Adjust save signifiant hit only and adjust pvalues for multiple tests
print ("Load eQTL results")
df = pd.read_csv("./limix/eQTL_pval_500k.tsv", sep="\t", dtype={"chrom":str})
pval_adj_list = multipletests(df["pval"], alpha=0.1, method='fdr_bh')[1]
pval_adj_list = np.nan_to_num(pval_adj_list, nan=1.0)
pval_adj_list = np.clip(pval_adj_list, min_pval, max_pval)
df["pval"] = pval_adj_list

print ("Write results")
df.to_csv("./limix/eQTL_pval_adj_500k.tsv", index=False, sep="\t")
Load eQTL results
Write results

Write significant hits only

In [6]:
print ("Load transcripts info")
tx_info_df = pd.read_csv("../pycoSnake_pipeline/results/input/transcriptome/transcriptome.tsv",sep="\t", dtype={"chrom_id":str})
tx_info_df = tx_info_df[["transcript_id", "gene", "start","end","strand","length", "gene_biotype", "transcript_biotype"]]
tx_info_df = tx_info_df.rename(columns={"gene":"gene_id", "start":"tx_start","end":"tx_end","strand":"tx_strand","length":"tx_length"})

for lab, fn, pval_threshold in [("pval", "./limix/eQTL_pval_500k.tsv", 1e-2), ("pval_adj", "./limix/eQTL_pval_adj_500k.tsv", 1e-2)]:

    print (f"Load eQTL results for {lab}")
    df = pd.read_csv(fn, sep="\t", dtype={"chrom":str})
    df = df[["chrom", "transcript_id", "pos", "snp_id", "pval"]]

    sig_df = df[df["pval"]<=pval_threshold]
    sig_df = pd.merge(sig_df, tx_info_df, on="transcript_id", how="left")
    n_hits = len(sig_df)
    n_tx = sig_df["transcript_id"].nunique()
    n_genes = sig_df["gene_id"].nunique()
    print(f"num hits:{n_hits} / num transcripts:{n_tx} / num genes:{n_genes}")
    print (f"Save results to file")
    display (sig_df.head())
    sig_df.to_csv(f"./limix/eQTL_sig_{lab}_500k.tsv", index=False, sep="\t")
Load transcripts info
Load eQTL results for pval
num hits:28030 / num transcripts:5543 / num genes:5115
Save results to file
chrom transcript_id pos snp_id pval gene_id tx_start tx_end tx_strand tx_length gene_biotype transcript_biotype
0 1 ENSORLT00000038242.1 17674 rs_256 0.008786 ENSORLG00000025034.1 89782 91495 + 507 protein_coding protein_coding
1 1 ENSORLT00000038242.1 22937 rs_609 0.007728 ENSORLG00000025034.1 89782 91495 + 507 protein_coding protein_coding
2 1 ENSORLT00000038242.1 47299 rs_1418 0.009680 ENSORLG00000025034.1 89782 91495 + 507 protein_coding protein_coding
3 1 ENSORLT00000038242.1 47618 rs_1456 0.009345 ENSORLG00000025034.1 89782 91495 + 507 protein_coding protein_coding
4 1 ENSORLT00000038242.1 49903 rs_1825 0.009684 ENSORLG00000025034.1 89782 91495 + 507 protein_coding protein_coding
Load eQTL results for pval_adj
num hits:257 / num transcripts:244 / num genes:244
Save results to file
chrom transcript_id pos snp_id pval gene_id tx_start tx_end tx_strand tx_length gene_biotype transcript_biotype
0 1 ENSORLT00000029108.1 1046473 rs_36754 2.690634e-04 ENSORLG00000021846.1 580882 586981 - 4042 protein_coding protein_coding
1 1 ENSORLT00000042817.1 4828002 rs_176199 2.690634e-04 ENSORLG00000023795.1 4487283 4490955 + 1409 protein_coding protein_coding
2 1 ENSORLT00000038292.1 4841475 rs_176728 3.253331e-191 ENSORLG00000001822.2 4838316 4846031 + 1987 protein_coding protein_coding
3 1 ENSORLT00000015557.2 29453818 rs_1179902 2.702127e-04 ENSORLG00000012426.2 29149625 29173655 + 1911 protein_coding protein_coding
4 1 ENSORLT00000018827.2 35517081 rs_1379290 2.690634e-04 ENSORLG00000015022.2 35971503 35975616 - 2694 protein_coding protein_coding


In [191]:
outdir = "results_plots"
rmtree(outdir, ignore_errors=True)
Creating /hps/research1/birney/users/adrien/indigene/analyses/indigene_illumina_RNA/eQTL_analysis/results_plots

Copenhagen plots

Define functions

In [43]:
def plot_copenhagen (data_fn, fasta_fn, tx_info_fn, out_fn, pval_threshold=1e-3, pval_min=1e-12, pval_type="pval"):

    print ("Load eQTL results")
    df = pd.read_csv(data_fn, sep="\t")
    # Fix invalid pvalues
    df[pval_type] = df[pval_type].fillna(1.0)
    df[pval_type] = df[pval_type].clip(np.nextafter(np.float64(0), np.float64(1)), 1.0)

    print ("Load chromosome length")
    chr_len = OrderedDict()
    with pyfaidx.Fasta(fasta_fn) as fa:
        for c in fa:
    longest = max(list(chr_len.values()))

    filt_chr_len = OrderedDict()
    for cid, clen in chr_len.items():
        if clen >= longest/10:
            filt_chr_len[cid] = clen

    print ("Load transcripts info")
    tx_info_df = pd.read_csv(tx_info_fn, sep="\t", index_col=0, dtype={"chrom_id":str})
    tx_info_df = tx_info_df[["chrom_id","start","end"]]

    print ("Compute variables")
    # Define custom palette
    pal = sns.color_palette(desat=0.8)
    pal[7] = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
    pal = itertools.cycle(pal)
    figsize = (20, 80)
    frac_plot_area = 0.5
    ml_pval_threshold = -np.log10(pval_threshold)
    ml_pval_min = -np.log10(pval_min)
    n_chr = len(filt_chr_len)
    total_h = 1/n_chr
    plot_h = total_h*frac_plot_area

    print ("Generate plots")
        fig = pl.figure(figsize=figsize)
        b = 1-total_h

        # Define chromosomes
        chr_ax = OrderedDict()
        for cid, clen in filt_chr_len.items():    
            ax = pl.axes([0, b, clen/longest, plot_h])
            ax.set_xlim(0, clen)
            ax.set_xlabel("Genomic positions")
            ax.set_ylim(0, ml_pval_min+1)
            ax.set_title(f"chr {cid}", y=1.2, loc='left')
            ax.axhline(ml_pval_threshold, color="0.25", ls=":")
            chr_ax[cid] = ax

        for chrom, chr_df in df.groupby("chrom"):
            print(f"Processing chromosome {chrom}")
            ax = chr_ax.get(str(chrom), None)
            if ax is not None: 
                for tx, tx_df in chr_df.groupby("transcript_id"):

                    pvals = pd.Series(index=tx_df["pos"], data=-np.log10(tx_df[pval_type].values))

                    if pvals.max() >= ml_pval_threshold:
                        color = next(pal)

                        # Plot tx position
                        tx_info = tx_info_df.loc[tx]
                        ax.axvspan(tx_info.start, tx_info.end, color=color, alpha=0.5)
                        ax.text(tx_info.start, ml_pval_min+1.1, tx, rotation=45, fontsize=8, color=color)

                        # Plot pvalues
                        p = pvals[pvals>=ml_pval_min]
                        if not p.empty:
                            ax.scatter(p.index, ml_pval_min, s=20, marker="^", c=[color], zorder=1)

                        p = pvals[(pvals>=ml_pval_threshold)&(pvals<ml_pval_min)]
                        if not p.empty:
                            ax.scatter(p.index, p.values, s=20, marker=".", c=[color], zorder=1)

                        p = pvals[pvals<ml_pval_threshold]
                        if not p.empty:
                            ax.scatter(p.index, p.values, s=10, marker=".", c=[color], alpha=0.5, zorder=1)

                        ax.scatter(pvals.index, pvals.values, s=10, marker=".", c="0.6", alpha=0.5, zorder=0)
        fig.savefig(out_fn, bbox_inches='tight')

Plot non-adjusted pVals

In [51]:
plot_copenhagen (
    data_fn = "./limix/eQTL_pval_500k.tsv",
    fasta_fn = "../pycoSnake_pipeline/results/input/genone/genome.fa",
    tx_info_fn = "../pycoSnake_pipeline/results/input/transcriptome/transcriptome.tsv",
    out_fn = "results_plots/copenhagen_pval.png",
    pval_threshold=1e-6, pval_min=1e-16, pval_type="pval")
Load eQTL results
Load chromosome length
Load transcripts info
Compute variables
Generate plots
Processing chromosome 1
Processing chromosome 2
Processing chromosome 3
Processing chromosome 4
Processing chromosome 5
Processing chromosome 6
Processing chromosome 7
Processing chromosome 8
Processing chromosome 9
Processing chromosome 10
Processing chromosome 11
Processing chromosome 12
Processing chromosome 13
Processing chromosome 14
Processing chromosome 15
Processing chromosome 16
Processing chromosome 17
Processing chromosome 18
Processing chromosome 19
Processing chromosome 20
Processing chromosome 21
Processing chromosome 22
Processing chromosome 23
Processing chromosome 24

Plot adjusted pVals

In [52]:
plot_copenhagen (
    data_fn = "./limix/eQTL_pval_adj_500k.tsv",
    fasta_fn = "../pycoSnake_pipeline/results/input/genone/genome.fa",
    tx_info_fn = "../pycoSnake_pipeline/results/input/transcriptome/transcriptome.tsv",
    out_fn = "results_plots/copenhagen_pval_adj.png",
    pval_threshold=1e-2, pval_min=1e-10, pval_type="pval")
Load eQTL results
Load chromosome length
Load transcripts info
Compute variables
Generate plots
Processing chromosome 1
Processing chromosome 2
Processing chromosome 3
Processing chromosome 4
Processing chromosome 5
Processing chromosome 6
Processing chromosome 7
Processing chromosome 8
Processing chromosome 9
Processing chromosome 10
Processing chromosome 11
Processing chromosome 12
Processing chromosome 13
Processing chromosome 14
Processing chromosome 15
Processing chromosome 16
Processing chromosome 17
Processing chromosome 18
Processing chromosome 19
Processing chromosome 20
Processing chromosome 21
Processing chromosome 22
Processing chromosome 23
Processing chromosome 24


Define functions

In [4]:
def plot_manhattan (data_fn, fasta_fn, out_fn, n_best=3, max_pval=15, sig_pval=6, pval_type="pval"):
    print ("Load chromosome length")
    chr_len_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["start", "end"])
    start = 0
    with pyfaidx.Fasta(fasta_fn) as fa:
        for c in fa:
            if != "MT":
    print ("Load eQTL results")
    df = pd.read_csv(data_fn, sep="\t")
    df[pval_type] = df[pval_type].fillna(1.0)
    df[pval_type] = df[pval_type].clip(np.nextafter(np.float64(0), np.float64(1)), 1.0)
    print ("Select best pvalues")
    best_pval_res = []
    for tx, tx_df in df.groupby("transcript_id"):
        sorted_pval = tx_df.sort_values(pval_type)
        best_pval = sorted_pval.iloc[0:n_best]

    best_pval_df = pd.concat(best_pval_res)
    best_pval_df = best_pval_df.sort_values(["chrom", "pos"])
    print ("Plot data")
    # define palettes for significant and non significant hits
    pal = itertools.cycle(sns.color_palette("muted", desat=0.8))
    chr_col = {chr_id:next(pal) for chr_id in chr_len_df.index}
    pal_sig = itertools.cycle(sns.color_palette("dark", desat=0.8))
    chr_col_sig = {chr_id:next(pal_sig) for chr_id in chr_len_df.index}

    xmax = chr_len_df.end.max()
        fig = pl.figure(figsize=(40, 10))

        # plot data
        ax = pl.subplot2grid((10,1), (0,0), rowspan=9)

        ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelbottom=False, bottom=False)
        ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=14)

        for idx, line in best_pval_df.iterrows():
            log_pval = -np.log10(line[pval_type])
            x = line.pos+chr_len_df.loc[str(line.chrom), "start"]
            y = log_pval if log_pval<max_pval else max_pval
            color = chr_col[str(line.chrom)] if log_pval<sig_pval else chr_col_sig[str(line.chrom)]
            s = 20 if log_pval<sig_pval else 50
            marker = "." if log_pval<max_pval else "^"

            ax.scatter(x, y, color=color, marker=marker, s=s)

        # Plot sig limit
        ax.axhline(sig_pval, color="0.25", ls=":")

        #plot chromosomes 
        ax = pl.subplot2grid((10,1), (9,0), colspan=1)

        for chr_id, line in chr_len_df.iterrows():
            ax.axvspan(line.start, line.end, color=chr_col_sig[chr_id])
            ax.text(line.start+(line.end-line.start)/2, y=0.5, s=f"chr{chr_id}", horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', color="white", weight=550, fontsize=14)
    fig.savefig(out_fn, bbox_inches='tight')

Plot non-adjusted pVals

In [5]:
plot_manhattan (
    n_best=5, max_pval=18, sig_pval=6, pval_type="pval")
Load chromosome length
Load eQTL results
Select best pvalues
Plot data

Plot adjusted pVals

In [55]:
plot_manhattan (
    n_best=5, max_pval=10, sig_pval=2, pval_type="pval")
Load chromosome length
Load eQTL results
Select best pvalues
Plot data

Plot expression per genotype for top pValues

Define functions

In [54]:
def plot_expr_geno (data_df, G, Y, out_fn_prefix, top=8, tx_id=None, chrom=None, start=None, end=None, sort_val="pval", ncols=4, max_pval=1e-6):
    data_df = data_df[data_df["pval"]<=max_pval]
    # Sort and pick top
    if chrom:
        data_df = data_df[data_df["chrom"]==chrom]
        if start:
            data_df = data_df[data_df["pos"]>=start]
        if end:
            data_df = data_df[data_df["pos"]<=end]
    if tx_id:
        data_df = data_df[data_df["transcript_id"]==tx_id]
    data_df = data_df.sort_values(sort_val)
    if top:
        data_df = data_df.head(top)
    n_snp = len(data_df)
    print(f"Found {n_snp} SNPs")
    data_df = data_df.reset_index(drop=True)
    # compute ploting grid 
    row_heigh = 4
    col_width = 8
    nrows = n_snp//ncols
    if n_snp%ncols:
    all_genotype_df = pd.DataFrame()
    #all_expression_df = pd.DataFrame()
        fig, axes = pl.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(col_width*ncols, row_heigh*nrows), sharex=True)
            axes = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(axes))
        except TypeError:
        snp_ids = []
        for idx, line in tqdm(data_df.iterrows()):
            snp_id = line.snp_id
            snp_chrom = line.chrom
            snp_pos = line.pos
            snp_tx = line.transcript_id
            snp_pval = line.pval

            # Select genotypes
            g = G.where((G.snp == snp_id), drop=True)
            genotypes = []
            for i in g.values:
                if i[0] == 0:
                elif i[0] == 1:
                elif i[0] == 2:

            # Select phenotype
            y = Y.xs(snp_tx, level=3, drop_level=False).iloc[0]
            expression = y.values
            tx_chrom =[0]
            tx_start =[1]
            tx_end =[2]
            # Get line ids
            geno_line_id = list(g.sample.values)
            pheno_line_id = list(y.index.values)
            assert geno_line_id==pheno_line_id

            res_df = pd.DataFrame({"line_id":geno_line_id, "genotype":genotypes, "expression":expression})
            sns.stripplot(x="genotype", y="expression", data=res_df, order=["AA", "AB", "BB"], ax=axes[idx])
            sns.boxenplot(x="genotype", y="expression", data=res_df, order=["AA", "AB", "BB"], ax=axes[idx], color="0.7", showfliers=False)
            axes[idx].set_title ("Transcript {} (chr-{}:{:,}-{:,}) \n SNP {} (chr-{}:{:,}) \n pvalue:{:.3e}".format(
                snp_tx, tx_chrom, tx_start, tx_end, snp_id, snp_chrom, snp_pos, snp_pval), fontsize=10)
            genotype_df = res_df.set_index("line_id", drop=True)
            genotype_df = genotype_df.rename(columns={"genotype":snp_id})
            genotype_df = genotype_df[[snp_id]]
            if all_genotype_df.empty:
                all_genotype_df = genotype_df
                all_genotype_df = pd.merge(all_genotype_df, genotype_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)

        fig.savefig(out_fn_prefix+".svg", bbox_inches='tight')
        data_df.to_csv(out_fn_prefix+"_eqtl.tsv", sep="\t", index=False)
        all_genotype_df = all_genotype_df.sort_values(snp_ids)
        all_genotype_df.to_csv(out_fn_prefix+"_genotypes.tsv", sep="\t", index=True)

Load data

In [49]:
print("Load phenotypes")
Y_raw = pd.read_csv(f"tx_expression/filtered_tpm.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=[0,1,2,3])
Y_norm = pd.read_csv(f"tx_expression/filtered_norm_tpm.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=[0,1,2,3])

print("Load genotypes")
G = pandas_plink.read_plink1_bin (bed=f"plink_pruned/medaka.bed", bim=f"plink_pruned/medaka.bim", fam=f"plink_pruned/medaka.fam", verbose=False)
G = G.sortby("sample")

print ("Load eQTL results")
df = pd.read_csv("./limix/eQTL_sig_pval_500k.tsv", sep="\t")
Load phenotypes
Load genotypes
Load eQTL results
/nfs/software/birney/adrien/miniconda3/envs/eQTL/lib/python3.6/site-packages/xarray/core/ PerformanceWarning: Slicing is producing a large chunk. To accept the large
chunk and silence this warning, set the option
    >>> with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': False}):
    ...     array[indexer]

To avoid creating the large chunks, set the option
    >>> with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': True}):
    ...     array[indexer]
  return self.array[key]

Selected regions

In [55]:
plot_expr_geno(df, G=G, Y=Y_raw, out_fn_prefix="./results_plots/expression_tpm_raw_top_eQTL_chr1", top=None, chrom=1, start=2.7e7, end=3e7, sort_val="pos", ncols=3, max_pval=1e-5)
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Found 9 SNPs
9it [00:04,  1.85it/s]
In [56]:
plot_expr_geno(df, G=G, Y=Y_raw, out_fn_prefix="./results_plots/expression_tpm_raw_top_eQTL_chr18", top=None, chrom=18, start=400000, end=700000, sort_val="pos", ncols=3)
Found 6 SNPs
6it [00:03,  1.96it/s]
In [57]:
plot_expr_geno(df, G=G, Y=Y_raw, out_fn_prefix="./results_plots/expression_tpm_raw_top_eQTL_ENSORLT00000002786.2", top=None, tx_id="ENSORLT00000002786.2", sort_val="pos", ncols=3)
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
Found 3 SNPs
3it [00:01,  2.09it/s]
In [ ]:
plot_expr_geno(df, G=G, Y=Y_raw, out_fn_prefix="./results_plots/expression_tpm_raw_top_eQTL", top=80)
In [64]:
plot_expr_geno(df, G=G, Y=Y_norm, out_fn_prefix="./results_plots/expression_tpm_norm_top_eQTL", top=80)
Found 80 SNPs
80it [00:50,  1.59it/s]
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-64-1b50b2bc64a4> in <module>()
----> 1 plot_expr_geno(df, G=G, Y=Y_norm, out_fn_prefix="./results_plots/expression_tpm_norm_top_eQTL", top=80)

<ipython-input-54-7d5115fb6b60> in plot_expr_geno(data_df, G, Y, out_fn_prefix, top, tx_id, chrom, start, end, sort_val, ncols, max_pval)
     93         #display(data_df)
     94         data_df.to_csv(out_fn_prefix+"_eqtl.tsv", sep="\t", index=False)
---> 95         all_genotype_df = all_genotype_df.sort_values(snp_ids)
     96         #display(all_genotype_df)
     97         all_genotype_df.to_csv(out_fn_prefix+"_genotypes.tsv", sep="\t", index=True)

/nfs/software/birney/adrien/miniconda3/envs/eQTL/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in sort_values(self, by, axis, ascending, inplace, kind, na_position)
   4710             keys = [self._get_label_or_level_values(x, axis=axis)
-> 4711                     for x in by]
   4712             indexer = lexsort_indexer(keys, orders=ascending,
   4713                                       na_position=na_position)

/nfs/software/birney/adrien/miniconda3/envs/eQTL/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in <listcomp>(.0)
   4710             keys = [self._get_label_or_level_values(x, axis=axis)
-> 4711                     for x in by]
   4712             indexer = lexsort_indexer(keys, orders=ascending,
   4713                                       na_position=na_position)

/nfs/software/birney/adrien/miniconda3/envs/eQTL/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _get_label_or_level_values(self, key, axis)
   1704             values = self.axes[axis].get_level_values(key)._values
   1705         else:
-> 1706             raise KeyError(key)
   1708         # Check for duplicates

KeyError: 'rs_19910816'

Explore ENSORLT00000002786 candidate

In [63]:
eqtl_df = pd.read_csv("./results_plots/expression_tpm_raw_top_eQTL_ENSORLT00000002786.2_eqtl.tsv", sep="\t")
with open("./results_plots/eQTL_ENSORLT00000002786.2.bed", "w") as fp:
    for i in eqtl_df.itertuples():
Only 3 lines in the file
18 458033 458034 rs_16999693 
18 546744 546745 rs_17004669 
18 577303 577304 rs_17006176 

In [88]:
geno_df = pd.read_csv("./results_plots/expression_tpm_raw_top_eQTL_ENSORLT00000002786.2_genotypes.tsv", sep="\t", index_col=0)
DNA_sample_df = pd.read_csv("/nfs/research1/birney/projects/medaka/inbred_panel/medaka-alignments-release-94/sample_link/cram_file_to_line_ids.txt", sep="\t", index_col=1)

for g in ("AA", "AB", "BB"):
    s = (geno_df==g).all(axis=1)
    s = s[s==True].index
    print(f"Genotype: {g}")
    s = DNA_sample_df.loc[s].sort_values("cram_file")
Genotype: AA
50_2 22013_4#5
55_2 22013_5#3
94_1 22013_6#2
133_2 22218_2#5
15_1 22218_4#2
137_4 22218_8#3
135_2 24259_2#1
Genotype: AB
32_2 22013_3#4
17_1 22024_1#2
59_2 22024_3#2
49_1 22218_5#2
139_4 22218_8#5
32_2 24271_7#5
Genotype: BB
11_2 22013_2#3
13_2 22013_2#4
14_1 22013_2#5
23_1 22013_3#1
84_2 22013_6#1
95_1 22013_6#3
21_2 22024_1#4
40_1 22024_2#4
59_1 22024_3#1
62_2 22024_3#4
91_1 22218_1#2
104_1 22218_1#3
8_2 22218_3#5
11_1 22218_4#1
69_1 22218_5#3
80_1 22218_5#5
117_2 22218_6#2
140_3 22218_8#1
84_2 24259_1#1
125_1 24259_1#4
132_4_1 24259_1#5


In [ ]:
# pval_threshold = 0.01

# print ("Load transcripts info")
# tx_info_df = pd.read_csv("../pycoSnake_pipeline/results/input/transcriptome/transcriptome.tsv",sep="\t", dtype={"chrom_id":str})
# tx_info_df = tx_info_df[["transcript_id", "start","end","strand"]]
# tx_info_df = tx_info_df.rename(columns={"start":"tx_start","end":"tx_end","strand":"tx_strand"})

# print ("Load eQTL results")
# eqtl_df = pd.read_csv("./limix/eQTL_pval_adj_500k.tsv", sep="\t", dtype={"chrom":str})
# eqtl_df = eqtl_df[["transcript_id", "pos","pval"]]
# eqtl_df = eqtl_df[eqtl_df["pval"]<=pval_threshold]

# print ("Merge df")
# df = pd.merge(eqtl_df, tx_info_df, on="transcript_id", how="left")

# print ("Retain best pvalue per transcript")
# l = []
# for tx, tx_df in df.groupby("transcript_id"):
#     tx_df = tx_df.sort_values("pval")
#     l.append(tx_df.iloc[0])
# df = pd.DataFrame(l)

# print(len(df))
# display(df.head(10))
In [35]:
df = pd.read_csv("./limix/eQTL_sig_pval_500k.tsv", sep="\t", dtype={"chrom":str})

external_n_bins = 100
internal_n_bins = 30
extend = 500000

#res_d = defaultdict(Counter)
res_d["upstream"] = [0 for _ in range(external_n_bins)]
res_d["downstream"] = [0 for _ in range(external_n_bins)]
res_d["internal"] = [0 for _ in range(internal_n_bins)]
tx_len_list = []
for tx, tx_df in df.groupby("transcript_id"):
    tx_start = tx_df.iloc[0].tx_start
    tx_end = tx_df.iloc[0].tx_end
    tx_strand = tx_df.iloc[0].tx_strand
    vmin = tx_start-extend
    vmax = tx_start
    upstream_len_bin = (vmax-vmin)//external_n_bins
    upstream_bins = np.linspace(vmin, vmax-upstream_len_bin, external_n_bins, dtype=int)

    vmin = tx_end
    vmax = tx_end+extend
    downstream_len_bin = (vmax-vmin)//external_n_bins
    downstream_bins = np.linspace(vmin, vmax-downstream_len_bin, external_n_bins, dtype=int)
    vmin = tx_start
    vmax = tx_end
    internal_len_bin = (vmax-vmin)//internal_n_bins
    internal_bins = np.linspace(vmin, vmax-internal_len_bin, internal_n_bins, dtype=int)
    for row in tx_df.itertuples():
        if row.pos <= tx_start:
            index = np.digitize(row.pos, upstream_bins, right=False)-1
            if tx_strand == "+":
            elif tx_strand == "-":
        elif row.pos >= tx_end:
            index = np.digitize(row.pos, downstream_bins, right=False)-1
            if tx_strand == "+":
            elif tx_strand == "-":
            index = np.digitize(row.pos, internal_bins, right=False)-1
            if tx_strand == "+":
            elif tx_strand == "-":

external_xticks_bins = int((external_n_bins/10)+1)
internal_xticks_bins = int((internal_n_bins/5)+1)

ymax = 0
for lab, y in res_d.items():
    y = gaussian_filter1d(y, sigma=0.8)
    p_res_d[lab] = y
    if max(y)>ymax:
        ymax = max(y)
tot_bin_len = 2*external_n_bins+internal_n_bins
spacer_len = tot_bin_len/100

    fig = pl.figure(figsize=(25, 7))
    ax = pl.axes([0,0,external_n_bins/tot_bin_len,1])
    ax.fill_between(np.arange(0, external_n_bins), p_res_d["upstream"], color="0.25")
    ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, external_n_bins, external_xticks_bins))
    ax.set_xticklabels(np.linspace(-extend, 0, external_xticks_bins, dtype=int), rotation=50)
    ax.set_xlim(0, external_n_bins-1)
    ax.set_ylim(0, ymax)
    ax.set_ylabel("Length normalised number of eQTL hits")
    ax.set_title("Upstream", pad=20, size=16)
    ax.set_xlabel("Distance to TSS", labelpad=20)
    ax.set_ylabel("", labelpad=20)
    ax = pl.axes([(external_n_bins+spacer_len)/tot_bin_len,0,internal_n_bins/tot_bin_len,1])    
    ax.fill_between(np.arange(0, internal_n_bins), p_res_d["internal"], color="seagreen")
    ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, internal_n_bins, internal_xticks_bins))
    ax.set_xticklabels(np.round(np.linspace(0, 1, internal_xticks_bins),1), rotation=50)
    ax.set_xlim(0, internal_n_bins-1)
    ax.set_ylim(0, ymax)
    ax.set_title("Metagene body", pad=30, size=16)
    ax.set_xlabel("Normalised gene distance", labelpad=20)

    ax = pl.axes([(external_n_bins+spacer_len*2+internal_n_bins)/tot_bin_len,0,external_n_bins/tot_bin_len,1])
    ax.fill_between(np.arange(0, external_n_bins), p_res_d["downstream"], color="0.25")
    ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, external_n_bins, external_xticks_bins))
    ax.set_xticklabels(np.linspace(0, extend, external_xticks_bins, dtype=int), rotation=50)
    ax.set_xlim(0, external_n_bins-1)
    ax.set_ylim(0, ymax)
    ax.set_title("Downstream", pad=20, size=16)
    ax.set_xlabel("Distance from TES", labelpad=20)
    fig.savefig("./results_plots/metagene_pval_adj.svg", bbox_inches='tight')